Colored, shape shifting UFOs, swarm NASA 'ARM'
Martyn Stubbs NASA UFO Archives.
1m 4s
UFOs in all shapes, sizes & COLORS! These move about NASA shuttles, so fast that they are invisible unless frames & field/scan frames are grabbed.These are confirmed to be real & outside of the shuttles by LEXX SYSTEMS, who manufacture CCD cameras. ("GOOGLE"... LEXX CCD, for their analysis.) From (my) Martyn Stubbs NASA UFO Archive.
Up Next in Martyn Stubbs NASA UFO Archives.
Colored UFO Craft, Self-luminous & 'i...
These NASA UFOs are a blur unless they are seen on single frames. Here are structured ships, (or maybe living "critters") that are clearly self-luminous, & in all colors & shapes & sizes.These are real & Lexx Systems, who make CCD cameras have gone 'on the record', saying these UFOs are really be...
Colored Space UFOs 'Self-luminate' S...
As the Sun sets, Self-luminous UFOs brighten. The UFOs are frame captured, as they zoom around the space shuttle @ Hyper speeds. Amazing UFOs in all COLORS, shapes & sizes. LEXX CCD Systems confirms them as objects existing in the vacuum of space! "GOOGLE"... LEXX CCD for analysis. From (my) Mart...
Frame Grab NASA UFOs youself
Here is a NASA clip with a couple of my UFO frames, then real time RAW footage for everyone TO TRY IT. Some are just too fast to see & others are in single frames at 1/30 of a second. More at 1/60th. of a sec. (a "field" frame or single scan frame) From Martyn Stubbs NASA UFO Archives.