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Forbidden Files

4# What Happened to the Ancient Sumerian Stargate found by the U.S Military

9m 51s

Up Next in Season Seven


    In the summer of 1988, Carlos Mercado claimed to have been abducted by aliens from his home in Puerto Rico in the middle of the night. Once inside a silver disc-like craft, he was confronted by a humanoid alien whom he referred to as “The Doctor,” who told him he had been brought there for an imp...

  • 6# He Was Considered as the First Anc...

    Chinese legend tells of a great ruler who descended from the heavens around 5000 years ago, and who brought with him the sciences and wisdom of the universe. Today, some might interpret this ruler as an extra-terrestrial visitor who ruled over the local population as a god. While it might be temp...

  • 7# The Battle of Lake Baikal – Do Gia...

    Perhaps one of the strangest UFO encounters from within the old Soviet Union occurred under the icy waters of Lake Baikal, in Siberia. The area has long been a UFO hotspot, with accounts of gigantic objects hovering over the water, and even claims of strange figures in “shiny suits” being sighted...

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