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Evidence of Atlantis and Anunnaki - Workshop Presentation by Billy Carson Part 4

Evidence of Atlantis and Anunnaki • 1h 16m

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  • Evidence of Atlantis and Anunnaki - W...

    All ancient text from around the world claim to have been engaged by advanced beings not of this world. Discover the hidden evidence.
    About this Event
    According to ancient texts from around the world, approximately 450,000 years ago, advanced beings came to our solar system to strip-mine its plan...

  • Evidence of Atlantis and Anunnaki - W...

    According to ancient texts from around the world, approximately 450,000 years ago, advanced beings came to our solar system to strip-mine its planets and moons for resources. During their mission they labored, they loved, they fought, and they genetically modified the existing race of people livi...

  • Evidence of Atlantis and Anunnaki - W...

    According to ancient texts from around the world, approximately 450,000 years ago, advanced beings came to our solar system to strip-mine its planets and moons for resources. During their mission they labored, they loved, they fought, and they genetically modified the existing race of people livi...