Evidence of Atlantis and Anunnaki - Workshop Presentation by Billy Carson Part 6
Evidence of Atlantis and Anunnaki
1h 3m
According to ancient texts from around the world, approximately 450,000 years ago, advanced beings came to our solar system to strip-mine its planets and moons for resources. During their mission they labored, they loved, they fought, and they genetically modified the existing race of people living on Earth. Take a journey with us and explore the hidden evidence of this Atlantean civilization. Discover the anomalies they left behind on Earth, the moon, Mars and beyond. Take a journey with Billy Carson into the image data provided by the Mars Curiosity Rover to hunt for anomalies LIVE! Tell us what you see!!! This is a journey you won't forget. Get special training by Thomas and Dollie Jensen on anomaly hunting.
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Evidence of Atlantis and Anunnaki - W...
According to ancient texts from around the world, approximately 450,000 years ago, advanced beings came to our solar system to strip-mine its planets and moons for resources. During their mission they labored, they loved, they fought, and they genetically modified the existing race of people livi...