Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

12 Episodes

Visit Higher Journeys Radio at http://www.higherjourneys.com/hjradio to hear the latest interviews with Alexis and her thought provoking guests, FREE and on demand!

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Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks
  • You WILL Manifest Abundance When You Understand THIS! with Billy Carson

    Link for Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-raise-millions-of-dollars-for-your-business-tickets-142933342475?aff=higherjourneys&fbclid=IwAR07THh2H2a4XGA4w9TJZy0k7J0Xow9WC4Rjv4Jj1pMlIhTYLcqwXNPnQ3Y

    If you want to manifest abundance now (and in ANY part of your life) there are certain...

  • Higher Journey Alexis Brooks With Billy Carson - The George Floyd Case

    Higher Journey Alexis Brooks With Billy Carson - The George Floyd Case.

  • Erich von Däniken - We are Under Observation - EXCLUSIVE!

  • Billy Carson Shares Astonishing Details about Our Holographic Universe

    Billy Carson joins Higher Journeys once again to discuss how observation about the fractals embedded within our universe and our selves led him to discover the connected nature of all things.

    With this understanding, he shares how all of us can use this knowledge to shift our reality in profound...

  • Bashar 2020 is Going to be CRAZY! Darryl Anka Explains - EXCLUSIVE!

    Episode 4

    After nearly 40 years of channeling Bashar, Darryl Anka talks for the first time about the message that Bashar brought through in December of 2019 that presaged what we are ALL going through right now.

    "Remain in the eye of the storm," he advised.

    But what storm?

    We didn't know at the time, bu...

  • Nassim Haramein - Brainlessness and Breakthroughs (Full Video)

    Alexis sits down with physicist and consciousness researcher Nassim Haramein to discuss the phenomenon of "brainlessness" - the ability to function normally with minimal brain matter!

    This begs the question - If this is possible, then what is REALLY the origin of consciousness? We examine this p...

  • Jimmy Church - UFO Disclosure in 2019 BRING IT ON!

    Episode 6

    Fade to Black Radio host Jimmy Church joins Higher Journeys to talk about what HE thinks will happen in 2019 when it comes to UFO Disclosure.

    Who’s holding the cards and why are they resisting giving us the truth?

    Jimmy Weighs in on his thoughts about why those in the know need to give up their...

  • Billy Carson - Conscious Light Waves & Our Link to the Field

    Episode 7

    What is light?
    Something that we turn off before we go to bed?
    Something that illuminates the sky and clears the clouds?
    or is it something much more?

    What if light is conscious, and furthermore what if the light that we naturally produce has the ability to transmit messages out into infinity?


  • Anita Moorjani - DITCH Dis-Ease... Find PASSION!

    Anita Moorjani sends a powerful message about the importance of identifying the true cause of disease and how to fully heal.

    In order to understand the dynamic of healing from disease we must consider that the fear of disease may be more powerful than the disease itself.

    While we may think tha...

  • DAVID ADAIR - The AMAZING Life of the _Original Rocket Man_

    David Adair has led a "charmed" life. But not without its dips and curves and all out adventures!

    In this "sneak peak" into the private life and amazing journey that continues to this day, Adair shares some stories about how he became a close confidant to the family of Apollo 11 astronaut Neil A...

  • UFO INVESTIGATION 2.0 - It's NOT What You Think! **MUST LISTEN**

    UFO investigation has taken on a whole new approach and according to paranormal researcher and lead investigator for the hit show Ghost Hunters International Barry Fitzgerald, if we're ever going to understand the enigma of the UFO phenomenon we must use certain tools that can't be obtained simpl...

  • Remote Viewing Secrets REVEALED! with Billy Carson

    Episode 1

    In this EYE OPENING episode of Higher Journeys, guest AND seasoned remote viewer Billy Carson shares his insight 👁 about the process of remote viewing and ESP (extrasensory perception) and how he got started and trained by well known remote viewer Major Ed Dames.

    Billy will be sharing some of h...