Ask Doctah B

Ask Doctah B

9 Episodes

Doctah B Sirius opens up to discuss various topics with his special guests and audience
volunteers. The goal is to educate, motivate, and inspire, by giving people the keys to
self-realization, fuel for personal power and awakened clarity. Experience Doctah B's tools and
techniques that give guests and viewers the ability to rise above their challenges, clear
blockages and elevate their quality of life for optimized health, wellness & wholeness.

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Ask Doctah B
  • Ask Doctah B - Ep. — Ep. 8 Norbert Heuser

    Episode 8

    Doctah B and Norbert Heuser talk about various topics of interest.

  • Ask Doctah B Robert Edward Grant & Billy Carson: - PART 2

    Episode 7.2

    In this episode, polymath Robert E. Grant explores the connections between mathematics, sacred geometry, music, and ancient mysteries. He unveils a ground-breaking discovery linking light speed, time, and the Great Pyramid. The conversation touches on history, codes in the pyramids, spiritual co...

  • Ask Doctah B — Ep. 7 — Robert Edward Grant & Billy Carson:

    Episode 7

    In this episode, polymath Robert E. Grant explores the connections between mathematics, sacred geometry, music, and ancient mysteries. He unveils a ground breaking discovery linking light speed, time, and the Great Pyramid. The conversation touches on history, codes in the pyramids, spiritual con...

  • Ask Doctah B - Ep 6 — Live Audience B

    Episode 6

    In this live audience episode, Doctah B addresses releasing the past, empowerment, and overcoming challenges with guest volunteers. Discussions cover love, the hero's journey, intuition, and regaining control. Guests engage in exercises for self-discovery and coherence.
    The episode emphasizes shi...

  • Ask Doctah B - Ep. — Live Audience pt. 2

    Episode 5

    In this live audience episode, Doctah B addresses challenges of overthinking, anxiety, and imposter syndrome with guests. They discuss entrepreneurship, authenticity, and self-discovery, while emphasizing the power of imagination and focusing on desires.
    The conversation also touches on the symb...

  • Ask Doctah B - Ep. 4 — Live Audience pt. 1

    Episode 4

    In this live audience episode, Doctah B addresses challenges of overthinking, anxiety, and
    imposter syndrome with guests. They discuss entrepreneurship, authenticity, and
    self-discovery, while emphasizing the power of imagination and focusing on desires. The
    conversation also touches on the symbo...

  • Ask Doctah B - Ep. 3 — Gabriel White & Gilbert Minard

    Episode 3

    In this episode, Doctah B engages with Gabe (11) and Gilbert (8), using music to explore the universe's mysteries and human identity. They experiment with sound, affirmations, and co-create music. The children inquire about life's rhythms, vibration, and imagination. The episode delves into the h...

  • Ask Doctah B - Ep. 2 - King Simon.

    Episode 2

    In this episode, King Simon, a numerologist, delves into releasing life blockages, dream analysis, numerology, and subconscious power. The conversation spans forgiveness, meditation, healing trauma, language's influence, and the parent-child dynamic. The episode includes exercises to crystallize ...

  • Ask Doctah B - Ep. 1 — Elisabeth Hoekstra & Billy Carson:

    Episode 1

    In this episode, Elisabeth Hoekstra & Billy Carson explore the interplay of divine feminine and masculine energies, the language of empowerment, harmonizing these aspects, and transcending fear. They discuss civilization cycles, social conditioning, meditation, and the dynamics of family and chil...